Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The true meaning of the statement, "Nothing is Impossible"

Today I saw a status update of a friend of mine in facebook, stating

"There is no point keeping your Heart strong like IRON...
You never know whose heart turns out to be a MAGNET..."

That's kinda true too. But then, to pressurize him, (as I knew he stole this sentence from some website or someplace and its one of his own dialogs) I asked him, what about making the heart a rock or a stone. Coz the one thing I had in mind is that only lodestone was supposed to be a magnet and other stones can't be pulled.

He gave a very witty answer to my statement countering me, telling..."how about erosion, can break it; or how about waves and stuffs pulling or pushing the rock."

I then thought yeah. Why not. Then I just thought about a thing which I and my best buddy Ayaan always believe in "Every lock has a key. Every logic has its anti-logic."
And then what our sir always tell, "Nothing is impossible." By this statement he didn't mean to say that everything is possible and everything is easy to achieve. It actually means, there's always a way to achieve the thing. We just have to find the way. Archimedes said, "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I can move the world". Moving the earth would be possible for him if he would get a lever and a place to stand.