Sunday, January 2, 2011

The saddest part of this year

This year many things happened (Well me talkin about year in this blog is all about the academic year). Good things, bad things, intermediate things. I got a new computer as you all, who follow my blog knows, I had a break up, I got a glass painting as a gift for my bday. All these things are the happy stuffs. The sad stuffs are like, Rs. 9000/- is been stolen from our house, I suspect our maid; i couldn't get a game controller as I had to give mom all that I had saved for the controller, etc.

Coming to the point, the saddest thing is Bengali exam is on 18th of January, 2011. Its my birthday man. If there was computer exam, we're cool. But Bengali is the subject I get the lowest man. I mean its unjust isn't it???

Anyways...........Though a little fight every now and then makes life little more interesting...Don't you think?

Anirban Nath signing off for now. Will be back soon for the next log.