Saturday, June 11, 2011

This is my very last post to this blog. After this I am getting into college. So I will probably make a new blog for a new life. But before I finally leave I have something to say...

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you
have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to
provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally
or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there
for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this
person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die.
Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes! they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled,
their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is
time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to
share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you
laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give
you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build
upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept
the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all
other relationships and areas of your life

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The first day that you tell your best friend that you (Mr. Hotshot) have fallen in love

It all started when my best friend Master John Constantine told me about his first love. It was in class 9 although. Well that was the very day that even I told him about mine too. So it was mutual. We are after all best friends. The thing is "true love" in that age was not the cup o' our tea. We were the only two guys in the class that who were, well you can call "ha**mi", at least the rest of our mates call. Well actually, even we thought that we were two guys without hearts, soldier boys who knew only to shoot guns, who would go by only calculations and clockwork and no emotions.

I still remember the day, well not the date actually, coz I am bad with dates and so didn't like history. It was just a few days after we came back from our Vizag tour. Our school had taken us to Vizag. So it began like this...

We both used to meet in a place in Silpara. There was a temple, a big lake, and a small lane in the middle of the two. We used to sit, quite every day and ate alur chop and then full on adda. That was our spot to share everything.

John came that day at 5.00pm. It was December. I bought alur chops as usual. John came and sat where we used to sit (Beside the pond there was a cemented bench). But he was quite than usual. I attempted to start a converstation, telling, "Besh thanda poreche bol..." He just shook his head, 'yes'. Words still didn't come our of his mouth. Generally boys don't ask about male problems and all. So didn't I. But how long could I stay quite and look at his quite face, he used to talk lot just a day ago. This kinda behavior was very unknown and confusing to me. So then I asked, "Ki hoyeche bol to? Ki bhabhish eto?" John just said, "Kichu na. Ta bol." I knew something's troubling him, but didn't know what. This kinda behavior was not expected and found from him, I asked, "Is there something you wanna tell me? Bol na sala, ki holo tor?"

John hesitated a lot, "Kichu na", "Ki bolbo", "Ki boli bolto", "Kikore boli bol to", etc. After lot of insisting and pinching him, he finally told, "I love Ad***". My larynx couldn't function for a while, he was embarrassed, then coming back to my senses finally my voice-box spoke, "Wow." He is my best pal, had to remove his embaressment, "Cool. Kobe theke??? Ne alur chop kha... Are aj tahole 7up khaowa jak." John was shocked, "Mane?????!!!", he exclaimed... "Mane kobe theke LUV? Vizag na taro age?" John suddenly gave a smile and said, "Well joto din theke tui porechish, asha kori ami tar porey... Sh**** is no longer a secret bro! I could look it in your eyes." Now I was shocked. Coz this was totaly unexpected! LOL! Now I was embarrassed, getting caught...I had a BIG GRIN ON MY FACE!

But then we went on.......And the quest went on.......we pursued them and they pursued us.....we made up.... For me, there had been such a special person in these last few years....and then we broke up.....

Now we both are leaving school.......And I guess it ends tonight.....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Word guessed it...Mr. Perfect?


Patty came online today around the usual time and we got to chatting. It was during then that I asked her, "What is the single most important lesson that you have learned in your high school..besides getting all high and serious about your career that is...?". Patty replied, "Why, it must be a lifetime's worth of knowledge on relationships...I guess!"

So, with her permission, this is pretty much what she had to say. Yes, she mailed the entire thing and I took the privilege to post this with her due permission.

Relationships are something that require lots of work. It is most definitely an art to love someone for a lifetime. Life has its strange ways to teach us lessons and prove us wrong, and sometimes life saves us from ourselves, from making the same mistake twice, marrying the wrong guy, even death sometimes. Life is something special, its something that cannot be quantified and its something that comes for free. It is up to us to make the best of it and be successful. Relationships are like roller coasters, they take you way up high making you feel butterflies in your stomach but then they also go deep down low and make you feel so scared and insignificant, that you don’t know if you will get off the ride safely. Rides all have safety belts only sometimes they don’t make you feel so safe. Roller coasters are meant to be fun and exciting but sometimes even those seat belts don’t keep you safe, sometimes you can’t escape.

Maybe all men are like drugs, drugs that are so addicting that you can’t ever quit and you will soon find yourself stuck and unable to ever look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of who you are and what you have become in life.

Maybe mistakes are what make our fate... without them what would our lives be shaped by? Maybe if we had never ventured off course we wouldn't fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. Things change, people come and go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky they will be there forever and a day.

Relationships are great for some people and just so god damn horrible for others. You have one bad experience and that makes you not trust the whole entire human race. Guys can be radical, untrustworthy, liars, cheaters, scumbags...etc but all women still are desperate to find the perfect man. Then we start fantasizing about this perfect man and how he would look, act and speak. Before you know it he is real in our mind and we won't accept anyone but him. The downside to this is that he doesn't exist. We spend so much time making him up to be perfect that he is beyond what the human body can sculpt.

And when fate transpires all I have learned is that our Mr. Perfect can be right in front of us, but we may never take a second look at him. Fate is ridiculous, when you finally realize that you have fallen in love with the guy and wonder where had he been all this time? One must instead wonder, where had my head been all the time? It was in your dreams dear, one finally laughs out loud!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Being in high-school

High-school is a life that I am definitely going to miss when I am out, but there are also odds.

For example, teachers are very strict. No wonder its for our good, but still being a boy of 17 or 18 we get wings and want to fly high...For a school like mine where speaking English inside the campus is a compulsory, even though none the students or the teachers totally go by the rule, when you are caught by any teacher who is either in a bad mood that day or is strict from the beginning date when he joined, you will be punished. The other punishments include those for misbehavior in classroom, not paying attention to lectures, not submitting home-works and assignments, using un-parliamentary words, etc. I was often punished too, for most of the reasons, ahhmmm.

Then coming to the scarecrows, the principal and other fathers. No wonder what punishments they would give you when you are watching football played by the juniors while you are sitting in a boring class of Environmental Education.

Then coming to the exams and worse, parent - teachers meetings. I wouldn't have to tell more about these things. Both the parents and the teachers have grudge on you, no matter how good or bad you have scored.

At last coming to the exciting parts, being upgraded from class X to class XI and XII, many gets wings and fall in love, lots of love, then fall down and break parts of their body, mostly heart, if you don't get beaten by the girl's elder brother or father. Trying to get your first kiss or if you are greedy trying to get even more than just a kiss.

Cheating in exam halls and life is common phenomenon found in this age and time. Being the senior most in the school gives you lots of unofficial powers to gain control over the juniors. And as it is the last year you often don't care about the surrounding coz you are soon gonna leave. Fighting with friends for silly matters who have even been your best friends for years. Then being by a friend when he is in deep shit. Helping them complete their assignments. Saving him from the hand of an angry teacher who asked him a question whose answer is unknown to him, by whispering the answer to him and then even getting caught yourself and cursing him and the teacher for your situation. Shading tears thinking you would miss them all when you go out of the school, friendship becoming more stronger thinking this.

Smoking and drinking could get started or sometimes for few kids is an old habit which increases this time, coz we are big and legal... The tendency to oppose orders or even do exactly opposites is also observed in, well, all. Bunking school, telling parents that we are going for group studies, tuition and going to club and playing caram or card games or football, not that everyone does.

Well I guess this is High-school and the last year you are gonna be school and taste the honey of schooling.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

All my bday wishes

Well most of my classmates and friends wished me today as it was my 18th bday. The first wishes was given by my two sisters - Moni and Sangha. They wished me last night itself, 12.00am perfectly. Then at night Sajid called and wished, Siladitya, Sourotish, Santadip and Suhita (friends from tuition and outside school friend) smsed and posted in my facebook wall. Mom wished me when I was about to sleep. In the morning Arpi, then going to school Subhojit, Kamlesh, Dipanwita, Anwesha, Gourab, Surajit, Baki.

Sharmi almost forgot the event. Getting reminded by Moni, Sangha and Dipa, came and shook my hand, telling me "Happy Birthday". She was blushing, and maybe I was blushing too(I couldn't see myself, go ask her whether I was blushing or not, if you want to know that part). And best of all these happy birthday wishes really worked pretty well coz my bengali exam went nice.

At night my uncle sitting in the next room smsed me, "Anirban, forgot to wish you. Now that you have stepped in new shoes of 18, you will be having many responsibilities. So wishing you a very happy birthday and best wishes for the future." I gave a witty reply, "A new way of approach to the person sitting beyond just a wall, although taking development and technology in account, which is not letting me speak more. Thank you..."

And then Ayaan to make fun of everything smsed "Happy birthday. (Blushing and looking cute)", as I told him the Sharmi wishing me incident and she looks cute when she blushes, and we both never loose an opportunity to pull each others leg, even for once.

That was all about wishes. I had a good day overall.

Today was a really Happy birthday for me

Today was my birthday and my Bengali selection examination. Those who know me, knows how bad I am in this subject and how much I hate reading and giving test on it.

But however, this time it was quite well and the day was quite good. I am happy to say that will pass this time and with quite well marks. Tomorrow's Environmental Education exam, so I gotta study again.

And thank you all who have remembered wished me and prayed for my well being... and to those to who have forgot about my birthday, coz I don't blame anyone for not remembering as I myself is not good with dates.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

One of my digital art...

This is what i made Photoshop CS3.

I don't know how well you will understand, but the photograph has almost all different components.
And except the sky and the ocean everything is created by me.

From Last Year In School - Anirban Nath

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My little sis got internet

Today Sangha got internet at her home... Now, selection examinations are going on, so I forbade her from doing net, coz it will distract her. C'mon when everyone gets net for the first time, you know how attractive it is... I also have selection but I have computer day after tomorrow where as she got biology... Simply telling the difference, they got 34 chapters and we got only 17. And 9 chapters of computer were done in class X only. And I can handle the rest. So I am blogging now and she is studying.

Oh and the funny thing is someone proposed her... Hihi. Well she didn't accept him although. He even chats with me now and to that context Sharmi tells that "bon ke potanor jonno dada ke potiye nicche." Yeah maybe he is going for the old fashion war technique, go for the soldiers first and then take over the king. However, I and Ayaan go by the system of snipping or attacking only the target stealthily, like code name 47. C'mon man we got cool gadgets and techniques. We hit less people, so what? Impact on the target is maximum, which is the goal.
If the guys is going for that technique, I would say only two word, "OLD SCHOOL".

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The true meaning of the statement, "Nothing is Impossible"

Today I saw a status update of a friend of mine in facebook, stating

"There is no point keeping your Heart strong like IRON...
You never know whose heart turns out to be a MAGNET..."

That's kinda true too. But then, to pressurize him, (as I knew he stole this sentence from some website or someplace and its one of his own dialogs) I asked him, what about making the heart a rock or a stone. Coz the one thing I had in mind is that only lodestone was supposed to be a magnet and other stones can't be pulled.

He gave a very witty answer to my statement countering me, telling..."how about erosion, can break it; or how about waves and stuffs pulling or pushing the rock."

I then thought yeah. Why not. Then I just thought about a thing which I and my best buddy Ayaan always believe in "Every lock has a key. Every logic has its anti-logic."
And then what our sir always tell, "Nothing is impossible." By this statement he didn't mean to say that everything is possible and everything is easy to achieve. It actually means, there's always a way to achieve the thing. We just have to find the way. Archimedes said, "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I can move the world". Moving the earth would be possible for him if he would get a lever and a place to stand.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It was a wonderful day

This is the day, the day you all shall remember as the day Nero and Dante defeated the great demon, with some good help from friends.

Although I would define myself as a half demon and my friend Ayaan(Dante) too as a half demon like me, some people who came to be very close friends of mine, had a bad idea about us long time ago. They thought we were bad guys and being half demon is also bad sometimes. Kinda matches plot of "Devil May Cry", Nero being a half demon, Kyrie (for even if one second) had lost faith in Nero and people thought Dante was evil. The people who knows a bit of the plot of "Devil May Cry - 4" will enjoy. Others try to enjoy... And thus Sparda's(full demon) son, Dante(coz Sparda falls in love with a human and went against the demons who harmed human beings) is a half demon. Although Nero being half demon is a different story (he's Sparda reborn).

Coming to the point, today our friends supported to us and Kyrie (well if I am Nero, she had to Kyrie) protested to the blogger who is against us, posting nonsense stuffs about us, telling, "If its about trust, then you trust someone and we trust someone else." (Knock down. Killing stroke by a Katana or a Yamato)

The blogger says that me and Dante has opened a fake facebook profile in her name and we have messed with stuffs. However, Nero and Dante had never done anything like that. And I also came to know who had hit on my back and that the friends I have now are YOUR blessings.

Thank you GOD...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A wonderful song I heard today

This is a song called "Why did I fall in love with you..." by DBSK, some Korean band. They're like backstreet boys. Anyways. This song is very beautiful.

The lyrics goes like this as the lover of a boy marries a different person and he watches her go in front of his own eyes...

Why wasn't I able to convey to you?
My feelings that were growing everyday and night
The words begin to overflow
But I know they wont reach you now

From the first day that I met you
I felt like I knew you
And the two of us melded together so naturally

Wherever we would go, it would be together
It was so natural for you to be with me
We became adults together
But you chose a different road

Why did I end up falling for you?
No matter how much time has passed,
I thought that you would always be here (but not anymore)

Today, the day that holds a special meaning
The day that you stood with a smile of happiness
Praying to God in your beautiful appearance

With the person next to you who isn't me
The image of you receiving blessings
How could I just stand aside and watch...

The saddest part of this year

This year many things happened (Well me talkin about year in this blog is all about the academic year). Good things, bad things, intermediate things. I got a new computer as you all, who follow my blog knows, I had a break up, I got a glass painting as a gift for my bday. All these things are the happy stuffs. The sad stuffs are like, Rs. 9000/- is been stolen from our house, I suspect our maid; i couldn't get a game controller as I had to give mom all that I had saved for the controller, etc.

Coming to the point, the saddest thing is Bengali exam is on 18th of January, 2011. Its my birthday man. If there was computer exam, we're cool. But Bengali is the subject I get the lowest man. I mean its unjust isn't it???

Anyways...........Though a little fight every now and then makes life little more interesting...Don't you think?

Anirban Nath signing off for now. Will be back soon for the next log.